10 things to do with your rescue during COVID


We are all struggling with COVID. Quarantine is never easy or fun. It’s a good thing we have our spoiled rescues to keep us company and entertain us. So you do not go stir crazy, here are ten things you can do with your rescue during COVID.

Dog Hike

Take your dog for a walk, hike, or even a run

It’s important to get some fresh air and exercise. Taking your dog for a hike, run, or just a walk around the neighborhood will ease your stress.

Start a social media account for your rescue

Everyone is doing it! Capture your rescue’s daily moods, catch them in silly sleeping positions. Your rescue is sure to provide you with lots of material to post about.

Bake treats at home

You can make Monkey Tracks or find another recipe online. It will keep you busy and your rescue will enjoy eating the finished product.

Prepare fresh cooked meals

I’m a fan of JustFoodForDogs and their DoItYourself Kits. You can easily source the ingredients at your local store. Your spoiled rescue will love you even more. Plus the added health benefits of feeding a whole food diet will keep you away from the veterinary office.

Dog Tricks. High Five

Teach your rescue a new trick

It’s never too late to teach your dog or cat something new. If they’re solid on the basics, try something new like “play dead”, “twirl”, or “get a soda from the fridge”. You can also teach them new skills like jumping over obstacles or agility.

Dog Agility

Create a home obstacle course

This works for both cats and dogs. Create a maze in the living room with treats as the prize. Teaching them agility? Why not make a course through your home. See how many toilet paper rolls they can jump to get through a doorway.

Dog Yoga

Work out with your rescue

You’ve all heard of Dog Yoga. Why not do that at home? Try bench pressing your rescue (if they’ll let you). Do Push ups or squats while your rescue joins you. Get creative with involving your rescue, but always make sure to keep them safe too.

Pet Scavenger Hunt

Do a scavenger hunt in your house

Hide your pet’s favorite treat or toy and host a scavenger hunt where they have to find the hidden places you stashed the reward. I like using cardboard toilet paper rolls and folding the ends inward to create a pouch full of treats.

Dress up your pet

Play dress-up with your rescue

If you have knitting or sewing skills, why not make them a cute outfit? Or order something online and dress them up to post on their social media account. You can have a little photo shoot and post it online.

Video Chat

Video chat with your rescue’s friends and their humans

Video chats are not just for boring meetings. Get your pet in front of the camera and have a video play date with their best friend.

Now you have lots of ideas to fill your time while you are stuck in quarantine. Let your spoiled rescue be your source of entertainment. Share on our social media how you and your rescue are dealing with COVID.


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