Life With Spoiled Rescues

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Holiday Foods For Your Spoiled Rescues

Tis the season for holiday meals. This is the time of year family and friends come together to celebrate the holidays. Why not include your spoiled rescues? Not sure how to safely spoil your rescues this holiday season? I’d be happy to help you out with a few ideas.

The number one way to spoil your rescue is with food. After all, this is when we ALL break the diets we maintained throughout the year. Rescues can share in the festivities too, but make sure what you offer them is safe. Here is a detailed list from Animal Poison Control. of foods to avoid.

Let’s highlight a few options that are safe for your spoiled rescue:

Baking at home for your pup guarantees that you know the ingredients you used are safe. Dogs are not as selective about the taste of their food as a human, so keep it plain. Try this Monkey Tracks recipe from Sawyer’s Pet Bakery. It is always a huge hit so I know your spoiled rescues will love it!

While most people want to serve their rescue what they have on their own plate, please don’t. As humans, we spice up our food with oils and spices. Many of which are too rich or toxic for our rescues. What you should feed your rescue during Thanksgiving is plain turkey breast (without the skin), boiled Russet Potato, and vegetables such as carrots, green beans, broccoli, and pumpkin. Or if your want a complete Thanksgiving meal without the hassle of cooking, order JustFoodForDogs’ Turkey&WholeWheatMacaroni. It has everything that is on your thanksgiving table, but made safe for your pet.

No holiday is complete without DESSERT! It’s what we all look forward to the entire day! Your rescues are no different. Remember, the key to keeping your rescues happy and out of the vet’s office is to keep it simple and plain. Most pups would be happy with a dollop of Whipped Cream. Others can have homemade treats like the Monkey Tracks mentioned above. If you don’t have enough time to bake at home, go to your favorite pet bakery and order them a holiday cookie.

The key to a safe and happy holiday season for your spoiled rescue is to keep it simple and joyous. Your rescues just want to spend time with you. If you do spoil them with food or treats, make sure they follow these simple guidelines

1) LOW FAT— If you give them meat, make sure it is low fat. Meaning no fat on the edges, white meat/lean cut, and cooked fully.

2) PLAIN— Make sure there are no spices, butters, or oils. These increase the fat content or contain herbs that can be toxic to your rescue.

3) SAFE— Don’t forget to check the list of poisonous foods on the Animal Poison Control website.

My Spoiled Rescues and I hope you have a happy and safe holiday season. Please share with us on our social media what you did to spoil your rescues this holiday season.


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